Fundamentación de Obra: Miro hacia atrás y pienso que, de alguna manera, la joyería contemporánea me encontró a mí y creo que nunca imaginé el increíble universo que se desplegaría ante mis ojos y mi corazón. Mis piezas son creadas como consecuencia de mis vivencias personales, de la observación del mundo que me rodea, y del amor y respeto por la naturaleza, principalmente. También me gusta la posibilidad de darle una segunda oportunidad a las cosas y así trabajar con materiales de descarte, reciclables, que no solo pueden convertirse en bellas piezas de arte, sino contarnos de una propia belleza intrínseca. Me gusta trabajar con materiales nobles como la madera, pero también recurro al papel, la tela y los metales, como diferentes soportes. Pienso a la joyería contemporánea como una rama más del arte, por lo tanto, creo que moviliza, comunica, nos conmueve y emociona. Es una posibilidad de entrar en contacto con el cuerpo del otro de manera amorosa y respetuosa, dejando que mis piezas hablen por mí.
My pieces are created as a consequence of my personal experiences, of observing the world around me, and mainly of love and respect for nature. I also like the possibility of giving things a second chance and thus working with discarded, recyclable materials, which can not only become beautiful pieces of art, but also tell us about their own intrinsic beauty. I think of contemporary jewelry as one more branch of art, therefore, I believe that it mobilizes, communicates, moves and excites us. It is a possibility of coming into contact with the other’s body in a loving and respectful way, letting my pieces speak for me.
Cecilia Mortola’s Jewelry Work Grounds:
I’ve always had the feeling that underneath things’ real appearance a whole universe coexists. A universe that most people can’t see although it is so clear to me. To reveal this parallel universe’s essence: its colours, textures and structures is what inspires me to shape it.
“Many small remnants of the world we inhabit – which in many cases would unfailingly be discarded as waste – whisper their essence to me. I see the revelation and turn them into the things they want to be”
The artist’s need to reveal what she perceives gives these objects the unique perspective of a subjective, fantastic world. Small pieces of unremarkable, ordinary, daily objects become art.